Friday, 19 June 2009

I met a SOHAI

I must release my anger NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Fuck that pathetic illegal immigrant, fuck fuck fuck fuck!!!!!!!!

I curse you you pathetic idiot!!!!!!SOHAI

Ok, my anger has disappear for now.

My darling weiwei sms me and said she doesn't want to stay with her sis tonight, they had some argument and she was planning to take a cab and fly to my house. It was late 11pm, since there had been lots of rape and murderer cases happened in Malaysia, so I decided to pick her up from her sis house.

Then I brought Ms.Garfield with me.

Weiwei's sis house is located somewhere around Duta Station, which is quite FARRRRRRRR away from my house. Both of us were wearing pyjamas and eye glasses, looks totally different from the Us which appeared in Pavillion early this day, Ha ha.

Okay, lets get back to the topic.

Then, at some point, I have to turn left. I turn when there's not even an ant walking on the road, and 10 seconds later I heard someone shouted "HOIIIIIIIII!". I looked at the right mirror, I saw a guy driving motorcycle with a girl at his back, shouting and looked angry. Geez doesn't he know that there's something call HORN? PATHETIC. I don't know when did I made him angry, I am sure that I did nothing wrong so I show him my tongue. I did not even point him my middle finger. I was in a good mood.

Then, till a point miss WeiWei asked us to U-turn, the traffic light turned red. And here comes the pathetic, sohai illegal immigrant. He is definitely a barbarian, uneducated and impolite. His eyes telling me he was trying to kill me, and guess what? I was very very calm just as usual. I actually stopped since it was red light and I was preparing to Bang him if he started to do anything which is going to hurt us. Especially when Ms.Garfield is just right beside me, I knew she's freaking terrified to death, so I did not argue or show any mad or bad expression. I just drive passed his poor and old Motorcycle. (I guess it wasn't his own motorbike, should be stolen from somewhere else. Why doesn't he use the Horn?Maybe he used to ride on a cow)

I passed by him, Ms Lui said sorry to him. I had no face expression at all on my face, and when I drive passed, that idiot kicked or punched my poor Atoz. Then he disappeared. Pathetic. If I ever have any chances to talk or send a message to him, I would sincerely advice him to go back to where he belong, such as Zoo or Jungle. City is not safe and not suitable for him, even though Kuala Lumpur ain't a sophisticated city.

I was so calm. And after that, I started to feel horrified. I should be thankful that at least he did not have a parang with him. And at least I don't really have to bang him with my Atoz. And once again I've proven myself that I'm fearless, I wasn't afraid of the monkey attack, and I was planning to defend if he ever try to hurt the Garfield beside me. It left me a horrible impression of Kuala Lumpur since I came back. I was only away for 3months ++, and been to a very safe place which I have no worried of getting robbed or raped even if I walk alone during the night, and once compared, I felt insecure. I think I need to get a friend which is a police. Or hire a bodyguard.

Damn that idiot. I curse him to almost death and curse him that he will got beaten and pay for the price of being crazy. I curse his gf dump him due to his craziness and curse him sent back to safari jungle and continue his Tarzan life. Darn, retarded person. Fuck you Fuck you Fuck you!!!!!

Ok, I'm done. I'm not gona think of him anymore for now. I'm getting off to my bed and have a sweet dream before I squeeze my brain for some brain juice tomorrow during tax tutorials and lecture. And a message for you Sohai, don't you even dare to appear in my dream or else I'm gona smash you like potato!!!!!!!!! Fuck YouUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU sakai

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